Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Survey of Exploration and Colonization

Bullet points in BOLD are potential exam questions.

1000 Leif Eriksson arrives at Nova Scotia
1499 Amerigo Vespucci sails along coasts of South America
1524 Giovanni Da Verrazzano sails from North Carolina to New York Bay
1585 Walter Raleigh lands on Roanoke Island. Drake rescues survivors, returning them to England
1587 2nd Roanoke settlement, birth of Virginia Dare, first child of english parents born in America
1606 King James grants charter to Virginia company, to establish colonies in America
1607 Virginia company sends 100 to settle Jamestown
1619 20 slaves head to Jamestown

1620 120 pilgrims from Mayflower land establish Plymouth colony, sign Mayflower Compact while traveling, establishing self-government

1626 Dutch establish New Netherland, Albany to Gloucester NJ, including New Amsterdam (NYC)
1630 John Winthrop, Mass Bay Co, find Boston, 20,000 settlers in 15 years
1634 Maryland, St. Mary’s, only English colony with significant catholic population
1641 Massachusetts no bond slavery will exist in that colony
1650: Dutch and English agree on boundaries
1664 New Amsterdam named New York, British find New Jersey colony
1666 Connecticut Puritans find Newark, NJ
1672 Mail service begins from Boston to NY
1681 William Penn, Quaker, receives charter from King Charles for Pennsylvania
1699 Spanish open florida for runaway slaves
1704 New-Letter, Boston, first newspaper
1708 Virginia (VA) has 12,000 slaves, 18,000 free
1715 VA, 23,000 slaves, 72,500 free
1749 Ohio Co. royal charter and land grant
1752 first general hospital in Philadelphia
1753 George Washington dispatched from Virginia to effect French Withdrawal from Ohio Valley
1756 French Indian War
1756 VA, 120,000 slaves, 173,000 free
1758 NJ Quakers oppose importation and sale of slaves
1760 French lose Montreal, Detroit, presence in North America

1764 Parliament approves Sugar Act to pay for debt of French-Indian War

1765 Quartering Act and Stamp Act, protesters attend Stamp Act Congress declare taxation without representation

1766 Declaratory Act, right to make laws governing colonies, Mason-Dixon line established by map surveyors
1770 13 colonies 1,688,254 free, 459,822 slaves
1773, Boston Tea Party, Committee for Intercolonial Corresponence (VA Reps: Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry)

1774 First Continental Congress, denounce coercive acts, advise people to bear arms, propose cut off with England

1775 Paul Revere, battle of Lexington and Concord,
1775, Philadelphia, PA Society for Abolition of Slavery Formed

1776 Declaration of Independence: written by Thomas Jefferson, adopted by Congress, signed by delegates on August 2

NJ signers: Abraham Clark, John Hart, Francis Hopkinson, Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon

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