Monday, May 3, 2010

Larger Than Life

Psalm 148, Acts 11:1-18, John 13:31-35

The story of the Abora III is a story of a team looking to find and make history. A reed ship was constructed with the attempt to go against the wind and travel from North America to Europe, proving that travelers from long ago would be able to make the return trip to Europe.

It is amazing to find people willing to be adventurous, and journey toward the great and large opportunities of life. Anxiety is a threat to our creativity, closing us up and making us smaller. God wants us to look and live in this large world.

As we think about a "larger than life" life, the image of a wedding invitation comes to mind. When invited to an event, there is the invitation, the announcement of the event and the Response.

The invitation comes to us in Psalm 148. Consider all that are invited to worship God. Heavens, heights, heavenly hosts, waters, earth, sea creatures, ocean depths, lightning, hail, sun, clouds, stormy winds, mountains, hills, fruit trees, cedar trees, wild animals, small creatures, flying birds, AND kings, nations, princes, rulers, men and women, old and young.

The invitation is to the cosmos to encounter, worship and serve the Almighty One.

The event is the salvation of God. In the story of Acts, we have the story of salvation extending from just the covenant people of Israel, to the other nations (gentiles) of the world. At first, this inclusive extension is met with scepticism. But Peter convinces the early church that God is in this invitation. God has accomplished the story of salvation. God has extended the invitation to you and I. We can be part of the event, involved in the story.

With a response card, there is a chance to share whether you will or will not be able to attend. Some cards have "regrets only". The larger than life following of Christ is really about having no regrets. The response to the invitation is a life of love, for God, neighbor and ultimately, everyone. "By your love for one another, the world will know that you are my disciples".

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