That’s the Spirit! 5/24/15
Leviticus 23:15-22, Acts 2:1-24
Final Sermon in the Path of Discipleship Series
Pentecost Sunday
A teacher or coach might see a member doing something
positive, and encourage that person, saying “That’s the Spirit!” They mean that the person’s behavior is a
positive expression of the group’s values or message.
Christians will look at an event or outcome that was
surprising and say that God’s hand was present in the outcome. Believers might say in those situations
“That’s the Holy Spirit!”
Today is Pentecost.
It is a unique day in that Pentecost is a biblical feast described in
the Hebrew Scripture, and we remember this day on the Church Calendar because
of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. Jesus said that he would send the Holy Spirit
to his followers: “You will receive
power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts
Pentecost comes from the Greek word for “Fifty”, and the
feast is 50 days after Passover. In the
Bible, it is called the Feast of Weeks.
In Jewish Tradition, it is a day to commemorate that God gave Israel the law at Mt. Sinai.
Leviticus does not mention the
connection between the feast and the law. Pentecost is listed in a chapter
telling of the “appointed feasts of the Lord”, the “sacred assemblies”. These include the Sabbath, Passover, Feast of
Unleavened Bread, FirstFruits, Weeks, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles. These feasts tell the story of the Lord’s
salvation for Israel. Christian Scholars point that the feasts also
point to Jesus Christ, and his life a fulfillment of all the law and feasts
were meant to be.
Most of the feasts in Leviticus have some common
elements. Sacrifices and gifts are
offered to the Lord as a sign of God’s provision. These gifts are to be the first of what is
received, reminding the people that God is our priority. In Leviticus, the smells of the sacrifices
produce an aroma pleasing to God, and God commands the people to observe these
feasts as “a lasting ordinance throughout the generations, wherever you
live”. So, while we do not observe them
all today, they are important to God, for they point the people to God’s past
and future work. The Feast of Weeks
also includes a reminder to the people to be kind and just, by sharing parts of
their harvest with those who are hungry.
So the disciples had all gathered in Jerusalem to observe the Feast. With the building of the Temple,
the great feasts were observed by going to Jerusalem.
The disciples are alongside fellow Jews from throughout the world to
celebrate the feast, with those nations listed in Acts 2. It is during the Feast of Weeks, that the
Holy Spirit comes and fulfills the words of the Lord. If they had thought they were gathering to
remember God’s giving of the law, they now experienced the coming of the new
covenant by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. As Paul would later teach, the law ultimately
shows us how we have fallen, but “The Spirit gives life” (II Co. 3:6).
The Scriptures speak of a scene that caused a stir: violent winds, people hearing multiple and
familiar languages at the same time, something that looked like tongues of fire
resting of the heads of disciples.
The result of this unique moment is a classic divide of
interpretation. Believers, having
encountered God in a new and powerful way, contemplate the meaning: “What does this mean, they ask perplexed and
amazed. Others are dismissive: They are just drunk. What about you? What do God’s works stir within you? Are you dismissive, or inquisitive?
Peter uses faithless and dismissive reaction to proclaim the
good news. The Spirit’s coming is what
God intended. Also, the Spirit’s coming
is because of the saving work of Jesus Christ.
Are you old? Good,
dream dreams.
Are you young? Good,
see visions.
Has God poured his Spirit upon you? Good, prophesy.
Male and female, prophesy.
Tell the wonders of God. Speak of
God’s power. Help everyone call upon the
name of the Lord. Those that do will be
We will be saved because of Jesus Christ. Peter tells his Jewish brothers and sisters
gathered that Jesus, Jewish himself, had come from God. He did miracles, wonders and signs. The audience already knew this. And they also knew that the powers that were
had put Jesus to death on a cross.
Peter teaches that God knew this. He knew beforehand. It wasn’t surprising to God, in fact, it was
God’s set purpose. God raised him from
death. God freed Jesus from the agony of
his sacrifice. Death could not hold back
innocent blood. Impossible.
This is why the Spirit, Holy Spirit, had come. Jesus, alive, needed witnesses. He gave his life to bring people back to
God. The Holy Spirit is God’s deposit,
guaranteeing our future with the Lord.
It wouldn’t shock me if you wondered as we read the morning
Scriptures: Leviticus? Wave offerings? The Spirit coming as little flames of fire
above people’s heads? What is going
on? This doesn’t seem familiar and we
don’t know what to do with this. But
Pentecost is important. It was on that
day that the Church grew by thousands, and moved its message from Jerusalem to a world wide
message. The Spirit would live in
people’s hearts. All who put their faith
in Jesus Christ would receive the Holy Spirit.
Individually, we can know that we will belong to God,
forever. The Holy Spirit lives in our
heart through faith. Paul writes:
For no matter how many promises God
has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And
so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand
firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his
seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit,
guaranteeing what is to come” (I Co.
As a congregation today is a very important day. The Church does not observe the Feast of
Weeks, nor any of the festivals in Leviticus.
Ultimately, we say that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross took the place
of our need for a sacrificial system.
But that the Apostles were present that day, observing it, and within
that observance, the Spirit came. There
are lessons within the feasts.
- Do what God says.
- Put God first.
- Do those things which please God.
- Proclaim a sacred assembly to those around you.
- Stop regular work when it is time to commemorate what God has done.
- Commemorate wherever you live.
- Don’t take everything for yourself, share and share some more.
Ultimately, these lessons are the reasons the church exists
and are all acts of our call to worship God.
So when we practice these lessons, the Holy Spirit, already in our
hearts through faith, might come to the congregation, even in surprising and
unexpected ways. But when the Spirit
comes, those who believe know what to say:
“That’s the Spirit!”
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