Animal Crackers 7.26/15
6th sermon in the series Praise the Lord with
Genesis 2:19-20, Matthew 6:25-27
Four beginning comments:
First, Al Curving, a member of the Son Rise church in
Flemington, is here today to represent the local chapter of the Gideon’s. He will be presenting the second half of the
sermon today. He has come to us by way
of Walt Errico, a long time Stockton
resident and Gideon. Walt and I have
been corresponding for quite some time, and their group sends us yearly
postcards that they pray for us. Walt’s children and I were in high school
together, and his son is a pastor in Kentucky .
Today’s lesson is on Animals, and how
they ultimately perform the will of God.
Our primary job as Christians and as a congregation is to do God’s will
by spreading the gospel message. That
the Gideon’s have put Bible’s throughout the world is one diligent example of
spreading the word.
Second, because Al is speaking, I have shortened my sermon.
Third, because I have shortened my sermon, I’ve prepared
some homework for you.
Fourth, you’re welcome.
Oh wait, 3A was the implied “Thank You” I know all of you
were thinking after I shared number 3.
This summer, we have been talking about symbols in the
church and how they give their praise to the Lord. We’ve talked about bread and wine speaking to
the presence of Jesus Christ, the sanctuary, a space where we encounter the
Omnipresent God, we talked about the letters on our paramounts and communion
ware, letters that represent the Name of Jesus Christ, we talked about the two
flags that are in this space, and last week, we talked about the seal of our
denomination, reminding us that we represent the King of kings as his
ambassadors. Today, we talk about
The homework is really not work, it is pleasure. It is a list of animals whose characteristics
or behavior is referenced by God the Creator, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit
through the biblical authors. It isn’t
an exhaustive list of animals mentioned in the Bible, just the ones that point
to something greater than themselves. It
is a list of animals who symbolize something greater. If you remember the word symbol means a
physical token that speaks to an invisible reality.
In Genesis, we have the man naming the animals, as commanded
by God. It could be possible that Adam
just blurted out the first syllables that came to his mind, without thought or
reason. But I have always imagined this
passage is a very methodical, serious work by the man. Adam observed the creatures, looking at
patterns, behavior throughout different seasons and settings. He compared and contrasted and recorded his
data. When he was all done, he was ready
to name them. Of course, we will have to
wait for the movie version in heaven to find out exactly how it happened. But what is really interesting, is that “God
brought them to the man to see what he would name them”. What a delightful verse about the Lord! He was interested to see the man’s work. He gave freedom and a job, and then waited
with expectation about the good work that would occur. It is a reminder to us, that our work can be
very valuable,
Jesus referenced the birds.
Their existence continually speaks to God’s care. They do not plant their food, they wait for
what comes to them, they do not have barns or refrigerators or grocery
stores. They wait upon God for their
food. They have to work for it, and they
show great care for their young. But
ultimately, they cannot do more than their capacity. They have to trust. Jesus says that we cannot add life to
ourselves by worrying. We too have to
In Scripture, Jesus is called both Lion and Lamb. The Lion represents royalty, power and
strength. The Lamb was the key animal in
the sacrificial system of the Jewish Law.
Jesus is the King. He was also
the sacrifice to redeem our sins. And
thus, in Revelation’s vision of Heaven, he remains the Lion and the Lamb.
Last week, I mentioned that our job is to be ambassadors of
the King of Kings. The creation joins in
praise to God. We too, though given
freedom, can only find our freedom, and true purpose of what it means to be
human, when we follow the Lord. His
command is to go and preach the good news throughout the earth. We have these wonderful symbols from creation
that join us in our work. I invite Al to
come forward now to share how this group with a familiar name has done its
work, both here and throughout the world.
Thank you Al.
Animals and Their Lessons:
Matching Human Experience with Biblical Witness
Of Creatures Large and Small:
Proverbs 30:24-31:
animals and their attributes
Creature Biblical Verse Symbol/Lesson
Ant Proverbs
6:6-8 diligence
Bear II
Samuel 17:8 defender
of young
Beast Rev.
4:6-9 performing
God’s will
Bee Exodus
23:28 driving
away enemies
Behemoth Job
40:15-24 strength,
(hippo or elephant?)
Camel Matthew
19:24 travel
through adversity
Chicken Matthew
23:37 caring
Deer Ps
42:1, Isaiah 35:6, Habakkuk 3:19 God as
our strength
Dogs Matthew
15:26-27 used
as an example of faith
Donkey Zechariah
9:9 Royal
Dove Genesis
8:8-12, Matthew 10:16 innocence
Fish early
Christian symbol part
of Jesus miracles
Fly Exodus
8:20-32 judgment
Fox Luke
13:32 craftiness
Locust Joel
2 armies,
Horse Psalm
147:10 strength
Hyena Isaiah
13:22 desolation
Lamb John
1:29 name
for Jesus, sacrifice
Lion Revelation 5:5 strength, name for Jesus
Moth Job
4:19, Matt. 6:19 fragility
of life
Ox Luke
13:15 rest
for workers
Owl Psalm
102:6 presence
Pig Matthew
7:7, 2 Peter 2:22 careless
Ravens I
Kings 17:4, Job 38:41 fed
and helping feed
Scorpion Luke
11:12 example
used by Jesus
Sheep Psalm
23, John 10 believers,
God as Shepherd
Snake Number
21, Isaiah 11;8 part
of miracle stories, future
in God’s kingdom, shrewd
Serpent II
Corinthians 11:3 cunning
Sparrow Psalm
84:3, Matthew 10:29 God’s
Wolf Matthew
7:15, Isaiah 65:25 ravenous,
future in kingdom
Douglas, J.D. and Merrill Tenney, The New International
Dictionary of the Bible, Zondervan, 1987. Animals and Birds entry was
instrumental in making this list.
This list is not the entire list of animals mentioned in the
Bible: not even close. It is a list of animals whose behavior or
characteristics are referenced by God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy
Spirit through biblical authors to teach about what is true and real.
This list does not include fish, which are referenced
generically throughout Scripture.
Most animals on this list are mentioned more than once, but
I included the Scripture that might be familiar or is a good starting point for
the image.
Many animals are referenced in Scripture in multiple
ways: and sometimes in very different
ways (example, Jesus is named the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and the devil
roams like a lion)
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