Living Outside Yourself 10/25/15
Acts 9:1-31
Living Outside: Assumptions, Barriers, Fears, Materialism,
Conflict, Rejection
Today: Outside Yourself
God first
--understanding who you are in light of what God has spoken
You are a son or daughter of the King of kings.
You are redeemed by Jesus Christ.
You are a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells.
We belong to God.
What lessons do we learn from the disciple Ananias?
1. vs 10
He was a disciple
2. vs 10
He is close enough to God that he responds when God calls
3. vs 11
God has a specific job for him, one that involves details.
4. vs 12
The person Ananias is to help is being prepared for his visit
5. vs 13-14 Ananias’ excuses are very rational
and reasonable
6. vs 15
God the Father responds with “Go!”
7. vs 15-16
There is a reason that Ananias is to help.
8. vs 17
Ananias did what God commanded him to do.
9. vs 17
Ananias announces in prayer the exact way that God will work
10. vs 18 Saul is helped because Ananias listened and
11. vs 19 Saul’s life is restored and renewed because
he listened to God.
Romans 14: The Truth About Moving Outside of Yourself:
We are servants of God and
will stand by God’s strength (1-4)
We live to the Lord (7-8)
We will be judged by God
We should live our faith with
our brothers and sisters in mind (13-15)
We should make every effort
to work for peace and mutual edification (19)
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