Sunday, May 1, 2016

Our Job as Members: Worship, NOTES

Our Job as Members:  Worship

Exodus 34:29-35, II Corinthians 3:7-18



          Members of Christ’s body through faith in Jesus as Lord

          Members of a congregation take on responsibilities

          Members of a Presbyterian congregation can look to the

                   resources of our history


3 weeks of final consideration:   Worship, Discipleship, Glory to God        Today, worship:

Webster's Definition:   worth, repute, respect, reverence paid to divine being


A Summary from the Book of Order:   Directory for Worship

          “Time:  Christians may worship at any time, for all time has been hallowed by God.”

          This hallowed sense informs the 7 day week, daily worship and church year

          “Space:  Christians may worship in any place, for the God who created time also created and ordered space”

          “Matter:  God created the material universe and pronounced it good.  The covenant community understood that the material world reflects the glory of God.

          Mission:  All time, all space, all matter are created by God and have been hallowed by Jesus Christ.  Christian worship, at particular times, in special places, with the use of God’s material gifts, should lead the church into the life of the world to participate in God’s purpose to redeem time, to sanctify space and to transform material reality to the glory of God

          Elements of Christian Worship:  prayer, scripture read and proclaimed, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, self-offering, relating to Each other and the world

         Ordering Christian worship:  Gathering around the Word, Proclaiming the Word, Responding to the Word, Sealing of the Word (Sacraments), bearing and following the Word into the world 

          Gatherings:  Prayer, service of wholeness, evangelism, mission, special groups, welcome, ordination, reconciliation, marriage, death 


Background for the Exodus Reading:

Exodus and Law, tabernacle, the golden calf, the law re-introduced

40 days and nights, Moses chiseled the stone with the commands of God.


What do we learn about God in this passage?

The Lord’s presence shines bright and glorious   (God is light, and in him there is no darkness)

The Lord’s transforming glory causes closeness and distance

There are always vain attempts to cover up the glory of God.  Vain is the key word in this sentence.

God’s light accompanies his commands.

God has intent and instruction for human beings in order for God’s will to be accomplished

People sensed the greatness of God by way of the radiant faces


How does Paul compare the Old and New Covenant?

Death by way of law v. life of the Spirit

Glory v. more overwhelming glory

Condemnation v. justification

temporal v. eternal


We learn that it is not good to veil God’s glory, in whatever form it is.  The New covenant gives us boldness.  Turning to the Lord, veil is taken away, freedom is experienced and a new charge is given:  mirror the glory of God,  let the Spirit shine (holy, not yours), we reflect his glory more and more.  We are being transformed into Christ’s image.


We can learn what worship is by looking at the strength's that Paul lists regarding the new covenant:

Life of the Holy Spirit, overwhelming glory, by Christ’s justification, eternal


How is your face shining?

How are you shining forth the glory of the Lord?


Our job as members:  worship, worth giving to God.  God is worthy!


All of life can be worship:

Commit  your ways to the Lord.

Pray to the Lord in all situations and seek the glory of God in all aspects of life.

Words, deeds and thoughts offered to God.

Book of Order Worship

Mission:  All time, all space, all matter are created by God and have been hallowed by Jesus Christ.  Christian worship, at particular times, in special places, with the use of God’s material gifts, should lead the church into the life of the world to participate in God’s purpose to redeem time, to sanctify space and to transform material reality to the glory of God


Highlights from Book of Order:  Directory for Worship


Christian Worship:  An Introduction

 Christian worship joyfully ascribes all praise and honor, glory and power to the Triune God.  In worship the people of God acknowledge God present in the world and in their lives.  As they respond to God’s claim and redemptive action in Jesus Christ, believers are transformed and renewed.  In worship the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God’s service in the world.


The Spirit of God quickens people to an awareness of God’s grace and claim upon their lives.  The Spirit moves them to respond by naming and calling upon God, by remembering and proclaiming God’s acts of self-revelation in word and deed, and by committing their lives to God’s reign in the world.


In the person and work of Jesus, God and a human life are united but not confused, distinguished by not separated.


The people of God response with words and deeds of praise and thanksgiving in acts of prayer, proclamation, remembrance and offering.  In the name of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Christian community worships and serves God

(1)            in shared experiences of life

(2)            in personal discipleship

(3)            in mutual ministry

(4)            in common ministry in the world


Time, Space and Matter:

Time:  “Christians may worship at any time, for all time has been

              hallowed by God.”

    This hallowed sense informs the 7 day week, daily worship

    and church year


Space:  “Christians may worship in any place, for the God who

                created time also created and ordered space”


Matter:  “God created the material universe and pronounced it

                 good.  The covenant community understood that the

                 material world reflects the glory of God.”


Mission:  All time, all space, all matter are created by God and have been hallowed by Jesus Christ.  Christian worship, at particular times, in special places, with the use of God’s material gifts, should lead the church inot the life of the world to participate in God’s purpose to redeem time, to sanctify space and to transform material reality to the glory of God



Elements of Christian Worship:  prayer, scripture read and proclaimed, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, self-offering, relating to each other and the world


Ordering Christian Worship:  Gathering around the Word, Proclaiming the Word, Responding to the Word, Sealing of the Word (Sacraments), bearing and following the Word into the world 


Gatherings:  Prayer, service of wholeness, evangelism, mission, special groups, retreats, welcome, ordination, reconciliation, marriage, death 

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